Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 9 of Decluttering Challenge

After a great evening out, I returned home ready to put in my minimum time.  Unfortunately, when I walked up to my door I saw that there was a drill hole above the deadbolt.  I pushed on the door and, sure enough, it opened without a key.  Someone broke into my apartment.  I'd been gone for over 12 hours so there is no way to tell exactly what time it happened and it doesn't really matter.  What matters is that they were gone, I'm okay and they didn't take much.

They were only looking for what they could put in their pockets.  They took the rolls of quarters I had sitting out, my laundry money for the month.  They went to my bedroom, dumped the contents all my previously organized and arranged jewelry boxes on to my bed, ransacked my armoire and closet.  They went into my messy craft room (they must have done it during the light of day or else I don't know how they navigated without injuring themselves!) and made it messier.  Thank God they didn't take any of the jewelry that used to belong to my Grandmother or Mother.  None of my jewelry is valuable outside of it's sentimental value to me.  They did not take my passport, birth certificate or SSN card.  They seem to have left my checks alone as well.

They did take the tiny bit of emotional stability I fought to earn this past week by focusing on cleaning and clearing what I could control in my life.  I can't control the emotions that well up and over take me, I can only feel them.  I can't control what others do or don't do but I can control my actions.  I was numb as I dealt with the process of figuring out what was and wasn't taken, giving a statement to the nice police officer and having emergency maintenance put in a new drill resistant lock.  The thaw will happen and the feelings will come, the emotional overwhelm will be back.

They took my sense of security and feeling safe in my own home. They took my peace of mind. I've been through this before so I know I'll get them all back in time. The thing is that I need them back NOW not later.  I was already hanging on by a thread, sometimes barely making it from one day to the next.  I didn't need this (no one does) and now I have to figure out how to not let this drag me back down.

They also took my perfect winning streak from me.  Bastards!

DONATED: 0 262
TOTAL: 0 335

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