Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 2 of Decluttering Challenge

Spent about an hour on decluttering tonight. Still working in the bedroom. Emptied another storage bin, this one full of bags/purses. I understand why Marie Kondo advocates working on categories versus rooms or areas. Bringing all the items together allows you to see the volume, duplicates, etc. One of the problems for people like me is that my crap is EVERYWHERE and it takes too much time to gather from all the different locations. As I am typing, I just remembered two more places I have bags in addition to the other four I was aware of (bags and jewelry are my thing).

As I excavate, I will keep her suggestion in mind and work toward getting what I keep in one place. Lord knows this is just the first of many passes.

The good news is I released a number of the bags that I had been hanging onto for years. I hope they will bring joy to their new owners, especially my Scooby-Doo bag. 

I also went through all the pockets of my over the door organizer. Holy crap! It's just a junk organizer. I got rid of over half the crap it was holding. I am totally embarrassed to say that there were 5 pairs of broken sunglasses, 3 unused repair kits and 5 eyeglass cases hanging out in there. Kept my soft Winnie-the-Pooh case because it will make a great little first aid kit holder. Also kept my super nice safety glasses and case from when I worked at United. I can recycle/donate my cheap safety glasses when I unearth them in the craft room. 

By the way, I have 5 different things I committed to doing daily right now:
1. Decluttering for 15 minutes everyday.
2. Cleaning for 15 minutes per day.
3. Climbing stairs for the Climb IU Challenge.
4. Saying a daily affirmation.
5. Writing/chronicling my progress.

Today was the first day of #ClimbIU and I did 19 flights of stairs. This time last year I couldn't even climb one!!!  I am kicking ass at decluttering and chronicling. So far all the cleaning time has been spent in the kitchen. I am making progress and should have it clean by the time I get around to decluttering that space.

The affirmation is the only one giving me a bit of trouble. I am supposed to write it out 10 times every night before I go to bed. First, I haven't been able to narrow down my affirmation. Second, I found I like wrapping up my day in my blog post. So I may have to tweak that one to just saying a daily affirmation, which I've done. Going to bed a very happy camper for the third night in a row. The focus is keeping me out of my head and my emotions in check. That’s not to say I am not letting myself feel.  On the contrary, tonight's grief counseling session was very emotional. I am just not letting my emotions run amok. Having emotions is okay, letting them rule the day or govern all my choices is not.

DONATED: 31 108
TRASHED: 10 41
TOTAL: 41 ITEMS 149 ITEMS (in 3 days!)

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