Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 6 of Decluttering Challenge

My accountability partner asked why no music while I declutter. For me this journey is about mindfulness. I need to be aware of the thoughts and feelings I'm having. For me, background noise would drown them out.

Sometimes it is very clear when an item needs to go. Obviously things that are broken, stained, ripped, worn, etc. should go. I really shouldn't have used "obviously" because to an artist/crafter, ain't nothing obvious about it. "I can use this broken piece, this loan earring or the material on this shirt that is not stained in a project." GUILTY! I am trying to set strict rules, limits and guidelines in place for those thoughts so I am not overrun with boxes of crap. Being mindful helps with this because I clearly remember what I have already kept and I can hear the dialogue running in my head about the item.

For instance, the other day I learned a very important lesson I would have missed if I was grooving to music. I was doing a quick sort so I could fill one of the bags I was taking to Goodwill. I was going through a bon of clothes I hadn't looked at in four years. The clothes themselves haven't been worn for longer than that because of my weight gain. I picked one up and heard "I love this shirt!" I picked up another and heard "I loved this shirt." I assure you I would have missed that subtle difference had I been belting out the latest Taylor Swift song. (OMG! So far every song off her latest album is amazing!!! "Wildest Dreams" has definitely taken up permanent residence in my head.) 

So things I actively love stay, things I loved when I bought them get released. It's okay that your tastes change. It's okay to get rid of something you bought and never used. (Yes, I am thinking of you, Hershey's cookie press.) Instead of beating myself up, I am trying to focus on the positive and have gratitude for the lesson that cookie press is teaching me. 

1. Impulse buys are usually a bad idea.
2. Buying something because you like who you would be if you used it regularly isn't a good idea. (Read about future clutter here.)
3. If you can only use it for one specific task, do you really need it? 
4. How many times a week, month or year do you see yourself actually using the item? If the answer is once per year and it's not a holiday item, do you really need it? 

Of course I have kept some items that meet all of the criteria above. The cookie press screamed stupid at me every time I saw it. It needs to get the heck out of my life! I don't keep people around that do that, so I am not going to let a $20 item linger anymore either. My shaved ice machine that lovingly beckons to me is much harder to part with. It's been well loved and used throughout it's tenure here. It makes me think of summer and happiness or margaritas with friends whenever I see it. I think I want to release it because I think my Nutribullet stole its place in my life. Do I really need both? 

Again, these are all things I might miss if I was playing music or watching TV. Okay, the cookie press was really loud and the "someday" I bought it for hadn't materialized in the years since I got it, so that one I wouldn't have missed. But you get the idea. 

I was SUPER tired tonight. I really wanted to give myself the night off. I could have done it and not felt too bad since I have spent more than the required 15 minutes everyday. The problem is, with me, one night could very easily lead to an entire year off. (Hello, past 4 years.) In addition to mindfulness, I am trying to teach myself routine and discipline. And 30 minutes  (15 cleaning, 15 decluttering) is not that much time. So today I just did the minimum. I spent the entire time in the kitchen. I cleared several cabinets and shelves. I created space where I will be able to store some of my Girl Scout stuff out of sight. (Super excited about that!)

And the damn cookie press is in a box that will be given to Goodwill this weekend. 

DONATED: 14 172
TOTAL: 16  225 

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