Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 4 of Decluttering Challenge

I woke up and started to feel overwhelmed again. I shut it down immediately. All I have to do this moment is get ready for work and leave the house. I do not need to think about or deal with the mess until later. I think it is time to decide on my positive nightly affirmation. Supposedly writing it out 10 times before I sleep for two weeks helps change the tape that runs in your mind. I also need a bite-sized plan for days the overwhelm hits.  I also think it's important for me to remember that using my time to triage is okay.  I don't have to make all the decisions and get rid of everything RIGHT NOW.  It's all a process.  The clutter and mess didn't accumulate in one day or week, so it's going to take a while to get rid of it, especially when it's not just about the stuff.  This process is equally about my mind and feelings.  It's about deciding what's really important and where I want to be a year from now, five years from now.

So today I just tried to be gentle with myself.  I only climbed 13.25 flights of stairs; however, I also walked 2.75 miles with my accountability partner (walking therapy!).  I took the two bags and two boxes to Goodwill then ran through a drive through to pick-up dinner.  I did 20 minutes of cleaning and about 45 minutes of decluttering.  

I did not write out an affirmation but I think I finally formed one as I was falling asleep.  If it sticks, I'll reveal it in tomorrow's post.  As for the bite-sized plan, I have a started a list of things I know I want to get done and can use those for days when I look around and instead of being inspired to declutter, I just want to crawl into bed.  I'll throw that list in a post sometime too.  For now, I'm just so tired that I'm going to sleep.

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