Sunday, September 13, 2009


Two days without a post and I pretty much got nothing for you today either. Also haven't finished the stuff I started writing last week either. I'm such a slacker! Actually, more like trying not to stress myself out since it seems like I've been trying to do that lately. Why is it that the closer I get to feeling really good about myself and my life the more I do things to undermine it? I understand it from a clinical point-of-view but I HATE it. That may be the worst part of the whole thing. If I could grow and keep moving forward, this shit would be more tolerable. However, all the back sliding and self-sabotaging makes it pretty damn awful. (It may not sound like it but I really am trying to be nicer to myself.)

Probably won't be many posts this week. I realized I was putting myself under way too much pressure and that it was contributing to my everyday craziness more than it was helping. It gets into my "all or nothing" problem; I forget there is a middle ground....

DAILY ACCOUNTING - Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Did a good job of honoring 9-11 without sucking myself into a depression. Had a low-key weekend since I was having "female issues." Feeling pretty good about food choices. Wish I had accomplished something concrete this weekend but I didn't. (Again with the pressure!) Will need to step up the preparations for this coming weekend if I have a prayer of getting anything done on our big scrap weekend. Still not done reading THE TIME TRAVLER'S WIFE either. I love it; but it is not a sit down and devour in one sitting kinda book. Loving VAMPIRE DIARIES but not more than TWILIGHT SAGA. Latest look at NEW MOON is going to haunt my waking and sleeping moments. Isn't it November yet?

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