Friday, September 4, 2009

mad crash

So I started watching the TV Show MAD MEN. It's a critic's darling and I could start from scratch on blinx so I figured what the heck. The first season was quite depressing not to mention the male chauvinistic bent. Still, I soldiered on giving Season 2 a try, especially because I couldn't figure out what their commentary was on the whole thing. While I still don't really know, I'm glad I kept watching. It lightened up a bit (cinematically and content wise) not to mention that the women are starting to stand up for themselves so now I'm really into it.

What does that have to do with me and the intent of this blog? Well, the main character is this real cad. He's a man-whore of the first caliber, which wouldn't matter if he weren't married. He's just not the nicest guy until you start to see his insecurity and that he had a rough childhood. IN NO WAY DOES THIS EXCUSE HIS BEHAVIOR, it just got me thinking...

We are ALL screwed-up in one way or another. Some of us have more scars than others; some show their scars on their skin while others hide them deep inside. Some of us know we are damaged and others can't quite let themselves see it but it's there nonetheless. No one is unscathed. There is no such thing as normal, really. There are simply those that are less damaged or more healed depending on how you look at it.

So the way I see it, our mission is to heal ourselves while trying to inflict the least amount of pain on anyone we "crash" into. Because that's all we are doing really, from one moment to the next our lives crash into those around us and we have to do our best to survive the impact. It strikes me that some may view this as a very depressing or pessimistic view of life - though one that I know others share (witness the movie CRASH). But to me it isn't. For me, it is reminding me to treat everyone around me better, especially those that annoy me the most because I think they might be the most damaged of all or they just mirror back the worst of my pain - either way, I need to cut them more slack. I also think it's helping me be nicer to myself - as I am my own worst enemy (aren't we all).

Also, since I started pondering this idea, I've noticed I haven't wished for my deserted island as much the last few weeks either. See, as much as we may not like other people because they get on our nerves, the truth is life is all about the people. So, isn't it better to learn to accept that and in the process maybe learn to like them more? Dunno, since I'm just now trying it out but I'll let you know!!!!

"Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive."
~ from DAMAGED by Josephine Hart

About 6 hours of sleep. Wonderful lunch today. Campus Administrators acted as "celebrity servers" to raise money for United Way. Hope this becomes an annual tradition as it was so much fun. Food was good too. Pretty good food choices today until I got home late and dinner became whatever I could instantly shove into my mouth. Now, if I would have more self-control at the grocery store this wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing but since I have frozen ho-ho's you can see that it's not too good..... ;-)

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