Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1

So I'm attempting my own Project 365 this year. My goal is to post something on my blog everyday and create a layout every week. I'm plannning to use templates by BioGraffiti and SuzyQ Scraps' Jumbo Journey Kit as the base for the scrapbook portion of my P365.

For now the photos will stay trapped on my phone, but I hope to have a digital camera sooner rather than later (can you say 'tax refund'?). Todays photo is of my new sheets. I'm including a photo I found on-line; however, I have to say that the background on mine is much darker and more purple than pink. It was really nice to come home from my trip to fresh linens on my bed. I slept very well.

I'm participating in a
challenge at The DigiChick. So here is the text for the LO I haven't made yet:

  1. I hope to complete a P365 this year, how ever it may look.
  2. I dream of finishing all the half-done projects I've started over the years.
  3. I wish that I could stop being so negative about myself to myself.
  4. I want to become healthier in mind, body and spirit.
  5. I will finish moving into my apartment so I can host a monthly game night and other get togethers.
  6. I hope to manage my money better.
  7. I dream of growing even more comfortable in my own skin.
  8. I wish I felt more confident about my artistic choices and abilities.
  9. I want to feel worthy and deserving of a life partner.
  10. I will continue to show up and see what happens.

Crap! Did I just make a list of New Year Resolutions? How very cliched of me!!!! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love your "resolutions"!!